Cells+Tissuebank Austria

Magnesitstraße 1, 3500 Krems an der Donau
Phone +43 (0) 2732 76954 - 0 | E-Mail office@ctba.at

Safety and Quality
Our transplants are manufactured to the highest quality standards.
Tailored to individual requirements and a variety of indications.
Health and mobility. Many bone diseases can nowadays be cured with bone allografts. With your donor you can make a difference. 

C+TBA is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the collection, processing and supply of allogeneic tissue of human origin intended for the medical treatment of patients.

As the largest Austrian tissue bank in the field of musculoskeletal tissue, C+TBA specialises in human bone tissue. It is one of the few bone banks in Europe that supports and controls the whole process, from the collection, processing to allogeneic implants up to the distribution of donor tissue by renowned business partners. Thus, the C+TBA sets quality standards securing compliance with clearly defined product qualities.

C+TBA is subject to the provisions of the Austrian Tissue Safety Act (GSG 2009, österreichisches Gewebesicherheitsgesetz), i.e. the national legislation of European directives, and compliance is monitored by the Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG, Österreichisches Bundesamt für Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen). 

Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Community of 31 March 2004 agreed on a framework
and standards of quality and safety for the handling of tissue of human origin.
Since April 2006, these regulations are binding for all EC member states, in particular with regard to the donation, testing, processing, preservation, storage, and distribution of human tissues and cells. C+TBA meets all requirements of the European directives on based on pharmaceutical quality standards and in compliance with GMPs.


Please refer to the compendium of the EU for more details regarding the approval state.

EU Coding Platform

Eine Kurzdarstellung der C+TBA mit Erklärung der Tätigkeiten finden Sie hier: Erklärvideo