Cells+Tissuebank Austria

Magnesitstraße 1, 3500 Krems an der Donau
Phone +43 (0) 2732 76954 - 0 | E-Mail office@ctba.at

Safety and Quality
Our transplants are manufactured to the highest quality standards.
Tailored to individual requirements and a variety of indications.
Health and mobility. Many bone diseases can nowadays be cured with bone allografts. With your donor you can make a difference. 

NATURAL  |  Processed human tissue.

HIGH REGENERATION POTENTIAL | Due to gentle cleaning with volatile reagents. Preservation of the natural bone structure and collagen.

SAFE  | Donor history, validated serological and microbiological examinations as well as validated inactivation of viruses and germs during Allotec processing.

EUROPEAN  | Collection, examination, processing, provision, and distribution are performed in accordance with European regulations.

SPECIFIC & PURE  | Products with various sizes, structures and compositions (e. g. pure cancellous bone) for various clinical requirements and indications.

CONVENIENT | Usable for a period of 5 years. Ready to use. Rapid rehydration.

PROVEN  | Quality and clinical success.